comments (1)
A few outstanding quotes from the book:
- "When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too."
- "Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And that no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of it's dreams, because ever second of the search is a second's encounter with eternity"
- " To realize ones destiny is a person's only obligation"
Dreams are illustrations... from the book your soul is writing about you. ~Marsha Norman | 7:12 PM |
I'd like to offer you a bit of advice. Write down your dreams. If you wake up from a dream in the middle of the night (good or bad) write it down! Keep a notebook by your bed so that you can jot down a few things about your dream so that you can remember it in the morning. Why? Your dreams can tell you more about how you're feeling about situations than you would like to admit to yourself. Need help understanding? Check out some suggested meanings at sites like this.Just try it... Sweet dreams xo.
Listen to this- Powerspace - Sleep everyone...
Augustana - Sweet and Low
If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies. ~Author Unknown | 6:43 PM |
Filed under:
Personal poem
The Moment After
Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. ~William Wordsworth | 1:02 AM |
DISCOVER ART =] | 12:13 AM |
Make a wish xo | 11:50 PM |
I promise that there is always someone out there who sees you for how beautiful you really are.xo
If you cannot be a poet, be the poem. ~David Carradine | 11:30 PM |
Where are you? | 8:05 PM |
Listen to this- Augustana- Sunday Best
Is love always enough? | 7:58 PM |
Discover music - Rob Blackledge - Broadway
Discover Poetry. | 7:14 PM |
Here is another of my favorite poems. This one is by Kim Addonizo. It's a poem that i often quote in my thoughts when I read something terrible in the news. Just because we are young doesn't mean we don't feel these tragedies just as deeply as everyone else. I think it's a struggle in our day an age not to be hardened by the world around us, but we will always have a bit of innocence in our hearts. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.xo
Message in a bottle | 7:07 PM |
Sent to... | 6:55 PM |
In my creative writing class in high school we had to write Tankas - Japanese Poems- These were my attempts as writing some of my own. I wrote them in the forms of letters to people that i couldn't find a way to vocalize my feelings to. I've always been much better at setting my emotions in print. I encourage you to try some of your own. xo
Perfection has it's flaws | 6:42 PM |
The sun is setting.. | 6:33 PM |
Discover Poetry. | 6:19 PM |
Listen to this - Eliza Gilkyson - Coast
Watching him change | 4:19 PM |
I changed one word in this poem as i typed it up today... the word It was changed to I. I realized now that as much as I detested the idea of trying to mold the one you love into something that resembles your idea of perfection, i have done it as well. It just hurts more when the changes pull a person you love and respect further and further away from how you once saw them. Girls, love yourself enough not to change for a boyfriend, but KNOW that you shouldn't try to change him too much either. He's not a toy... you better hope he doesn't snap out of the trance he's in and treat your heart like one. xo
Because we ALL know what It's like to be alone | 3:50 PM |
POEM ONE. | 3:11 PM |
Well - This is who I am | 2:51 PM |
Filed under:
Intoduction to Rough drafts.
sorry about my ramblings.... I promise future posts will be much more coherent - and filled with much more poetry, art, music, literature, quotes, and other things that have filled me with inspiration and have gotten me through the years.